Because I'm extremely fortunate to be able to do so, I'll be riding said bike in the MS-150 this summer to help raise money to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis.
Is this a plea for donations? Sort of. I'm actually hoping you'll consider adopting one of these:

This is a baby weasel, personally created, hand knit, and lovingly felted by me.

Every baby weasel is completely unique, made of natural fibers and stuffed for extra squishability. Yes, they're ugly, but they are extremely sweet and gentle creatures, friendly toward other pets and children, and completely self-sufficient.
Best of all, 100% of adoption costs will go toward funding the cure for MS and supporting Weasel Knits on our charity bike ride debut.
You can adopt one of these pitiful little creatures for only $12!
Plus, you'll have the privilege of counting yourself among the elite group of official Weasel Knits MS-150 supporters.
Please give a baby weasel a home! And help us find a cure for MS!
You can pick out your baby weasel right over here at my Etsy shop, which conveniently accepts major credit cards, PayPal, checks, and money orders. While you're there, you'll also have the opportunity to purchase weasel knitting patterns and felting kits if you're inclined to make one of your own. 100% of sales go toward the cause.
More orphaned weasels are being added to the shop each day. The conditions there are less than ideal. These weasels are counting on you!
Aw, irresistibly cute. I love the sign, and couldn't resist Mabel's big eyes.
Do you have a fundraising page for the MS ride besides the etsy shop? (There's a limit to our weasel room.)
Oh, thank you Wendy! I'm glad Mabel will be going to a good home. Yes, as soon as the main website for the ride stops being glitchy, I'll have a link to a fundraising page.
Every right-thinking American should order as many of these adoreable weasels as they can!
Comrades! Invest your rubles in these glorious weasels from the wretched capitalists and bring them home to Mother Russia.
I think they're hot!
Investing in Weasels is sound financial policy.
I bought my weasel and lost 20 pounds the first week!
I lost 42!!!
It cannot have effect in actual fact, that is exactly what I think.
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